Tuesday, May 22, 2012


30 degrees and i am happy! sopot is a great little city and the molo is pretty sweet. Having a snack a wine now and then back to gdansk.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

time to blog

So I have been on Facebook for ages. Before that I was addicted to myspace and livejournal but I never had a blog. Why? I think I just couldn't be bothered updating all the time and the whole designing and templates can be really annoying.
But I guess it really is time to blog. I just have to much interesting stuff going on (most of the time) to not have a chronicle of my travels and stuff.
I think Facebook is great and I already have half of my life on there and lots of pictures but this is a bit more personal.
What to expect from my blog ?
Well fist of I will try to gather my past travels together in some sort of order and post them.
Then, next up is Poland on Monday the 21.05.2012 and after that work and travel in Australia!

What else can you expect ? Lots of spelling errors cause I was always in a Limbo between Germany and mostly English speaking countries. I am never quite sure how something is written. It looks right in English but might be written completely different.

That's it for today. I will play around a bit more with the settings and then of to dealing a poker tournament.